Waa hoo! We were going to Kawau Island/Camp Bentzon. I was ready! As soon as my dad had dropped me off at school I handed my pack of biscuits in to Mrs B.
The bus arrived. Rooms fourteen and fifteen went on one bus together with half of room twenty two and on the other bus ware rooms twelve and thirteen and the other half of room twenty two.
Yah! We finally approached Kawau Island after the ferry ride. We started unloading bags from the ferry. Afterwards we sat down on the deck and Peter and Erin told us some of the rules of Camp Bentzon. Then we went into our cabin, R5.
We got changed into our shirts, socks, shorts, shoes, and hats and put some sun block on. Then we went down to the deck where Erin told us that we were doing a nine kilometre bushwalk to Vivian Bay instead of doing killer hill. When we were walking, my feet were killing me. When we arrived at the beach we all went for a swim. The water was nice and cooling, and we were only allowed up to our waists.
After the swim we had a sand castle competition, but there was no winner.
Then I decided to play volleyball. It was girls against boys and the girls thrashed the boys hardcore because we had Raychel's mum on our team.
Next it was time for dinner. The bell rang and my group got dinner first. We had noodles, wedges, chicken, and yummy bread. Then it was time for pudding. We had apple crumble. Yuck! I hate apple crumble, no matter what!
Then we cleaned our teeth and went to bed. The pillows that they provided us with were so uncomfortable.
The next morning we did the fitness trail and I really enjoyed it.
Next my group did bivouac making. Our bivouac was the best compared to the other groups.
Then we did sailing. I found sailing really fun. I enjoyed it the most out of all the activities at Camp Bentzon. My partner for sailing was Rebecca. I did the steering and Rebecca was controlling the sail.
On Tuesday for dinner we had roast beef, wedges, salad, tomato sauce and GRAVY!!!!! YUM! YUM!
On Thursday we did orienteering. My partner was Elizabeth. I learnt how to use a compass. Elizabeth used the compass and I was writing down the clues. We had to get the right temperature from our clue sheet on to the compass to find the letters. Elizabeth and I finished second! Not bad!
After that we did the confidence course. My favourite course was the tyres. It was basically five ropes, four of them with tyres and one is just the rope with five knots that you climb down. I really enjoyed the confidence course.
We also did raft building. It didn’t work out so we got to jump off the pontoon and swim. Kayaking was awesome! We went all the way to Sting Ray Bay and Survivor Island and it took ages. I was really tired after kayaking.
Friday was the last day at Camp Bentzon so we all packed our bags and left. I will miss Camp Bentzon.
By F.S