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Thursday, 20 September 2012

Poetry writing VH

My Magic Box

I will put in my box
The tick of a clock as it strikes midnight
A drop of blood from an evil vampire
The billowing smoke from a campfire

I will put in my box
The first brush stroke from Picasso
A feather from a baby penguin
Wonder Woman fighting a devil

I will put in my box
The first whimper of a new born baby
A leaping spark from a stingray’s tail
And a frozen smile from an evil witch

I will put in my box
The rumbling belly of a Chinese dragon
The laugh of a lion
And the roar of a hyena

My box is fashioned from water, ice and fire
With rain drops on the lid and shadows in the corners
Its hinges are ankle bones of angels

I shall dance in my box to Michael Jackson
On a wild safari
Then I will wash up on a golden beach the colour of stars

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is an awesome poem!
From IY