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Tuesday 13 March 2012

Cristal, the talented little girl

Cristal, the Talented Little Girl
Cristal is a talented little girl. She can fold paper into anything at all. When it comes to learning, she’s the best of the best, she’s a mathematician, a graceful reader, an impressive writer and she’s in the top group of everything at school or home. Cristal is an intelligent and talented 9 year old. She has beautiful blonde hair that reaches her back, also big green emerald, adoring eyes. Her lips are as red as roses and her skin is as white as the clouds. Cristal is a wonderful child and she won gold medals for drama, soccer and art. She is a gifted little girl who is always on top.


Anonymous said...

WOW!She must be talented to do all of that and won medals for alot of different things! :) *_*

Anonymous said...

WOW!She must be talented to do all of that and won medals for alot of different things! :) *_*